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Hi, I’m Dave. A Laravel Developer. I love to build Laravel apps using the TALL stack.

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How Laravel's optional() helper can keep your pages running

How Laravel's optional() helper can keep your pages running

If you've ever used Laravel ORM to create a relationship between tables you will have come...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel Importing SQL dumps with seeds

Laravel Importing SQL dumps with seeds

Seeding with Laravel is really useful for populating the database for instance a typical u...

David Carr

1 min read -

My top VS Code Extensions (Plugins)

My top VS Code Extensions (Plugins)

I've recently switched from using Submit Text full time to VS Code, I'm really enjoying th...

David Carr

3 min read -

Laravel apply a query constraint with global scopes

Laravel apply a query constraint with global scopes

Imagine your building a multi-tenancy application, in your controller your using a Contact...

David Carr

1 min read -

Financial year select menu

Financial year select menu

Financial years start from April to March, a common requirement is to be able to select a...

David Carr

1 min read -

Regular expression to convert usernames into links like Twitter

Regular expression to convert usernames into links like Twitter

When using plain textareas it's useful to link usernames in the format as @name but won’t...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel storing mailables

Laravel storing mailables

Laravel's Mailable emails are perfect for sending rich HTML emails, there are times when y...

David Carr

1 min read -

A Brief Introduction to Gulp

A Brief Introduction to Gulp

What is it? Gulp is a frontend task manager. In the simplest of terms, it is a tool which...

David Carr

8 min read -

Laravel set default value for creating model instances

Laravel set default value for creating model instances

Often when creating records with the ORM you'll set the same keys every time, in this case...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel show zeros when using zerofill in Eloquent

Laravel show zeros when using zerofill in Eloquent

When using Eloquent leading zeros are removed from integers data types. This is a problem...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel retrieving records in a random order

Laravel retrieving records in a random order

Retrieving records in a random order is simple with MySQL using the RAND() function but it...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel login as user without their password

Laravel login as user without their password

There are times you want to log in as another user to test their user permissions, you'll...

David Carr

3 min read -

Laravel add login throttling with custom login controller

Laravel add login throttling with custom login controller

When using a custom login controller by default it won't have the login throttling applied...

David Carr

2 min read -

Laravel add custom exception handling

Laravel add custom exception handling

Laravel comes with support for many types of exceptions, some are handled to load a 404 pa...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel create an RSS reed

Laravel create an RSS reed

In this post, I'll explain how to create an RSS feed. First create a route that will resp...

David Carr

3 min read -

Create an XML sitemap

Create an XML sitemap

Creating xml sitemaps are great for Google to inform their search bots of all your pages a...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel get previous and next record

Laravel get previous and next record

A really common task is to display links for the previous and next record typically you fi...

David Carr

2 min read -

Laravel force https with url helper

Laravel force https with url helper

using the url() helper is great for creating full http links, I use this for all links, wh...

David Carr

2 min read -

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